Any company with an existing UK presence and a physical UK postal address is eligible for a listing in the UK Locate business directory.
The first thing you need to do is read through our terms of inclusion policy then follow the instructions to fill out the add listing form.
You can read and accept our terms then carry on with adding your listing here you can also read more about our listing options.
As of the 19 Jan 2020 the waiting time was recorded at 22 weeks. This figure is liable to change, it all depends on our daily flow of submissions.
We do offer express reviews that allow you to have your listing reviewed within 24 hours.
When you add a listing it becomes associated with your account. This means you can make any edits to your listing as and when required.
We list in excess of 1.4 million companies, so a lot of these listings have been created by us or sourced from other data sources. If you need to edit a listing, you will soon be able to claim a listing automatically. For now you can contact us and we will assist you to take control of your listing.
If you wish to have a listing removed from our database please contact us.